Exhausting Schedule, Computer Updates, Vacations, etc.

Wow, it’s been a long six weeks since I last wrote anything on here or recorded. It’s a very frustrating thing trying to start a podcast and corresponding website and keep everything consistent and on point—I need to do better. There’s so much that I want to do with this project, writing, and just all around sticking to my creative projects. I promise to have an episode recorded and posted to all of our platforms (we’re on iTunes now!) by the end of this weekend. Colin and I are working hard to make this more of a regular thing. We went to Alaska to visit my parents for a couple of weeks in September and came back to Pittsburgh just hitting the ground running. Since then I have been getting a computer update, dealing with landlord issues, working, preparing for two half marathons in November, and getting ready for my California trip in less than three weeks. It’s been a messy fall so far, however, I have been sneaking in some movies here or there. Not to mention my schedule will be slowing down within the month and Colin and I will (hopefully) come back and really get this project going.

That being said here’s the list of all of the movies I have watched since I last blogged (well, actually, it goes further than that for those interested) and my general thoughts on them. In the future, I would like to post weekly about it like I did in my second post. There’s too many to do that this week though! As a highlight to that, I do have one review to offer—my review for the controversial film The Joker! I wrote a long-form piece on Medium dealing with my issues with the film. You can click here to read it if you want.

Anyway, thanks again for all your patience and hopefully this podcast will get up and running again soon!