First Episode Is Up On Podbean!

Hey everyone, thank you for reading the blog. Our first episode has finally been recorded and posted to our Podbean page. You can listen to it here. It’s a little bit of a bumpy start but I think that we’ll find our flow pretty easily after that first round. Regardless we still had a wonderful time recording it and I hope you all like it.

Now for some housekeeping:

  1. I’ve watched some other movies this week! I’ll be posting another blog tonight detailing more about them. I think I’ll try to make that a weekly thing to accompany each podcast—a quick blog about what else I’ve been watching this week. I’m also considering adding a quick bit about anything I’m reading and whether it’s been adapted or should adapted. Maybe that can be it’s own weekly or bi-monthly blog category itself. Eventually when we’re able to build our listenership I'll probably condense everything into an additional weekly newsletter for the listeners/readers to skim through and find the posts/parts of the episodes that interest them the most as well. That’s me getting excited and ahead of myself though.

  2. We haven’t found a regular day to post the podcast. Ideally it would be late Sunday nights/ready for everyone’s ears on their Monday morning commute. But because Colin and I have day jobs (and soon vacations) to work around and only see each other on weekends (also he works most Saturdays) watching the movies, thinking about them and outlining, and lastly recording, it’s all a little messy at the moment. This means that what’s probably going to happen is that we watch one movie Friday night, one movie Saturday afternoon, I plan out the podcast on Saturday night, we record Sunday morning, and I try to edit and post it that night. That’s not set in stone yet, especially since The Deer Hunter is a three hour movie, so it’s more likely that does not happen. However you can expect a posted episode the first half of the week next week as well. After that we have a couple weeks vacation (during which there WILL be episodes) that should make it a little easier, and then we will find ourselves ideally in a more consistent routine. Here’s to hoping!

  3. Right now the episode is on Podbean only; however, I am working to add it to Soundcloud, GooglePlay, iTunes Podcasts, and Spotify. Other than Soundcloud those platforms require a little more set up that I plan on working with tonight to make that happen ASAP.

  4. If you want a sneak peak at the (tentative) list for the future episodes click here. This is a list I’m keeping for myself on Letterboxd. The app is great and if you love movies and want a way to organize the ones you watch and want to watch it’s a fantastic tool. Think Goodreads for movies. If you decide to sign up for an account feel free to follow me; I’ll follow you back and it’ll share our reviews and activities with each other which is of course always fun. The list is always subject to change until we’ve made the official announcement about next week on the podcast and the blog, however it’s a good idea of what’s to come and you can watch the movies with us to get more out of the discussion. Hope you decide to use it!

That’s all I have for you at the moment! Like I said, I’ll have a little post about the other movies I’ve watched this week that were not on the episode (there’s some good ones!) but first I have to go to my boxing class. See you all later.