We've Rebranded!

Hey guys, it’s Nikki here to talk a little bit about this project, what happened, why it happened, and what’s going to happen in the future. So as any of you who have visited our blog before literally an hour ago SHOULD have noticed, WE GOT A MAKEOVER! Why? Well because I have been going through a bit of a rebranding. Those who follow the blog’s Instagram account also probably noticed that our name changed as well as our logo. It’s all been very exciting, but possibly confusing for any readers or followers, so I am going to explain a little bit why this all happened.

When I first bought the domain name aftersuppertime.com there was a very different goal for my blog. I was going to be teaming up with a couple of other people (including my dad) and work towards a site that reviewed and curated entertainment of all kinds (games, music, movies, books, etc) for our readers at the end of their workdays. The couple names I came up with before that were taken, it was suggested to me, and I decided sure, why not? Eventually, though, that project fell through and I just kept paying for a website to sit here. Fast forward to this past summer and I pressured my boyfriend into starting a film podcast with me because, well, I really love movies (clearly). He likes them too, and whenever we see one we usually have really great talks about it on the car ride home. I thought that it would be cool to turn those conversations into a podcast based around finding two (radically different) movies to cover a specific theme and try to expand our taste. Since I already had the name of the previous project purchased I (tepidly) figured I would just keep the name; I couldn’t think of a better one anyway.

That posed a slight problem because many people (understandably) thought we were a cooking blog/podcast and many cinephiles passed us up or got confused. I kept the Instagram running for awhile, and the podcast semi-regular for a couple months, but life caught up quickly to us. Colin, my cohost, decided to go back to school and we also have been planning a Pittsburgh to Alaska move. Eventually the workload was too much and the project fell away from me. ESPECIALLY the blogging. I didn’t like the name, I felt like I wasn’t providing the best content I could, time was a struggle, and I just decided I needed a break.

That leads us up to the past couple of weeks. As the virus crept up and things in Pennsylvania started closing I was left with more free time to think and write and DO! I began to wonder what I could do with this project that I was still paying for every month but not doing. Then I decided what I really needed to push this project forward was a rebrand. I liked the black and white theme but the page seemed uninspired. I liked my Instagram posts and stories but I was inconsistent. I wasn’t a fan of the podcast in its current form, but I was open to changing it (ditto for Colin). So that’s when I decided to post more, engage more with social media, and try and begin the process of renaming and rebranding.

I eventually settled on Finding Film. The reason for that is on the about page; basically, it boils down to the very purpose of this blog: watch more movies, learn more about film, and try and share that knowledge and love with others who want the same. I LOVE looking at movies as an art form, as time capsules. It may sound pretentious of me but I really believe that film is a storytelling art that is almost unmatched in so many ways. I’m still figuring out how we’re going to change the podcast and get that rolling again. Our name will be changed to match the blog and it will start out with a once every two weeks schedule, that much I know for sure. As for the format, the topics, the tone…well, I’m currently working on that. So stay tuned, and Colin and I will be back in your earholes soon!

In the meantime, please enjoy the new site, and please visit often! I’m working hard to push out new content. The big goal is a new post every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and then getting back to the Saturday “Weekly Watches” posts. But we’ll see how that goes. Anyway, I hope you’re all staying safe, staying inside, and finding great movies to watch. If you like the new changes then drop me a comment! And definitely let me know what you’re streaming while in lockdown, I’d love to hear about it!