Life Updates & Weekly Watches & The Minisode

HEEEEELLLLLOOO FROM SUNNY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! Not to rub it in but I’ve been hanging out in Redondo Beach and Twenynine Palms since last Wednesday night and having loads of fun doing so. My dad and I raced the Joshua Tree Half Marathon on Saturday night. It was not only his first half marathon but his first ever timed race at all, at age 59. The race was tough! It was at night and the course was on 80-90% loose sand roads, a few sections of washboard roads, and a really big hill at the front. On Sunday we left our camping spot at the BLM Overflow land I spent four hours (and 11-12 miles) roaming the park itself and just enjoying our time. This left me with an awful hikers tan that I will be going to the beach to be fixing today, as well as leaving both of us with some pretty sore legs. It’s safe to say that we had a blast and will be doing it again next year, but it’s also safe to say that we really enjoyed our beer when we got home last night.

Now on to what you’re all here for! This week I am a little late on the Weekly Watches and the episode posting because of the race; however, I have both for you. So to start here are this week’s non podcast watches:

Clerks (1994): This is my all-time favorite movie and I watch it periodically. It’s about two slacker convenience store Clerks and their wild day at work. If you’ve ever worked retail or you're a nerd of any kind (or both) you NEEEEED to watch this movie. Really. It’s a staple of the service industry jobs. As the subtitle says: just because they serve you, doesn’t mean they like you. It’s a film with a lot of filthy language though, so if that bothers you be prepared.

Mallrats (1995): The sophomore effort of Clerks director Kevin Smith, this is also a great movie that builds on his View Askew Universe vision a bit. It’s pretty funny, but a different vain of comedy than Clerks. It’s about two guys who get dumped by their girlfriends and try to win them back at the mall. There is a little more to it than that, but that’s the basic premise. Again if you’re a nerd, especially into comics, absolutely go stream or rent this movie; it’s great!

South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut (1999): Okay so if you haven’t seen this, then, like, what? I imagine almost everyone at least has a good idea of it since you’ve probably at least seen one episode of the show. My own mother, who is not typically into these types of humor, has seen and laughed at at least two episodes of South Park, so I mean I think it’s safe to say anyone reading this gets the idea. Some things haven’t aged well but it’s a surprisingly upheld satire and an actually good musical, even 20 years later. As someone who was a kid in the 90s/early 00s it is always interesting to watch these highly controversial “but what about the children” stuff that was supposed to be scary for parents. I watched it as a kid and as an adult and I can confidently say it caused no long term trauma for any child at the time lol.

Orgazmo (1997): This is one of the movies that the South Park guys made before they made South Park about a Mormon who gets pressured into acting in a porn film (with a “stunt cock” of course). Honestly, it’s really funny and more offensive to the porn industry than to Mormons, but if this kind of stuff is sensitive to you and you don’t really take jokes about it well…then maybe pass on this one. Also, like the other three, lots of swearing.

Anyway those were my airplane watches this week. Colin and I did a minisode on Zombieland 2: Double Tap and The Lighthouse. It’s posted on Podbean/iTunes/Spotify now, as well as here on our “episodes” tag on our website. It’s only about 20 minutes long this week but there’s no spoilers and we talk about what we loved about the two movies. Hopefully you enjoy it and we’ll be posting our next episode in two weeks, November 17th, with a Rick and Morty theme. If you want to watch along those movies will be Event Horizon, Cape Fear (the Scorsese version) and Mad Max: Fury Road. Anyway, I’m going to go even out my tan lines and enjoy the California beaches, so see you next week!